Tuesday, January 30, 2024

5. Ardha Chandrasana

'Ardha Chandrasana' Half Moon Pose is an advanced balancing posture that requires both strength and concentration. 

Falling out of this posture is not uncommon and that’s where the real yoga kicks in to remind yourself that this a yoga practice not a yoga perfect.

Following are the steps to perform 'Ardha Chandrasana'

Start by doing Utthita Trikonasana(Triange pose) to the right side.

Bend the right knee and bring the left leg closer to the right foot.

Reach forward to place the right hand on the floor(or to a block) in front of the right foot.

Take a couple of breaths in the position, and then exhale to slowly lift the left leg from the floor with the toes pointing forward.

Stamp through the left heel, as if you are standing onto the floor.

Press into the right heel and straighten the right leg.

Stretch the top (left) arm up towards the sky palm facing forward.

Turn the chest and head to the left side and balance.

The weight of the body should be on the right foot and leg, the hand is only for support and to help control the balance.

Hold the pose for at least 20-30 seconds.

Bend the right knee and bring the left leg slowly back down into Trikonasana and come up.

Turn and repeat to the left side.

Benefits of 'Ardha Chandrasana'

Improves overall balance

Stretches the shoulders, spine, chest, and hamstrings

Strengthens the thighs, buttocks, knees, and ankles

Strengthens the core

Improves digestion

Relieves stress 

1 comment:

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