Tuesday, February 27, 2024

23. Chaturanga Dandasana

Chatura means four, Anga means organ or part of it and Dand means arm. Lie on the floor and keep the weight of the body on the palms and toes. 

Exhale and keep the body parallel to the ground like two arms and two feet, this four organs of the body support the body. 

In western exercise this asana is similar to dips.

Following are the steps to perform 'Chaturanga Dandasana'

Lie straight on the floor with your face facing the floor.

Bending the elbows and palms near the waist.

Keep the feet 4 ft. apart from each other.

Exhale and lift the whole body a few inches off the ground keeping the weight on the hands and toes. 

Keep the whole body parallel to the ground from head to toe and stiff as a stick Keep the knees firmly bent and breathe as usual and stay in this position.

Gradually stretch the whole body forward and let the weight of the foot rest on the top of the toe.

Stay in this position for about 20 seconds as usual or with deep breathing. It is okay to repeat these movements many times. 

Then lie down on the floor and rest.

Benefits of  'Chaturanga Dandasana'

This asana strengthens the arms and makes the wrists flexible and strong.

Abdominal organs contract and improve in this asana.

Monday, February 26, 2024

22. Parsva Dhanurasana

Parsva Dhanurasana.

Parsva means side or Kus. This type of  Dhanurasana is to be done lying on a cushion.

Following are the steps to perform 'Parsva Dhanurasana'

Do Dhanurasana.

Exhale, turn on the right side and stretch the legs and chest.

Inhale and come to Dhanurasana position then exhale and turn to the left side.

Breathing as usual, take equal time on both sides to the best of your ability.

Although this asana is more difficult than the usual Dhanurasana. 

The ankles are likely to slip out of the hand grip, so the grip should be kept tight.

Benefits of 'Parsva Dhanurasana'

Twisting on both sides presses the abdominal muscles to the floor and automatically massages them.

21. Dhanurasana

Dhanu means bow. 

In this asana the hands are used like a bowstring to pull the head, torso and legs up and the body in this asana looks like a bent bow.

Following are the steps to perform 'Dhanurasana'

Lie on your back with your legs stretched out on the floor

Exhale and bend the knees Stretch the arms behind the back Hold the left ankle with the left hand and the right ankle with the right hand Breathe twice

Exhale completely and raise both legs by lifting the knees off the floor and at the same time lift the chest off the floor to bend the body like a stretched bow.

and the arms and legs like ropes.

At the same time, lift the chest off the ground as the arms and claws act as ropes to bend the body like a stretched bow.

Lift the head and pull it back as far as possible.

Do not bring the knees together while raising the legs as this will not lift the legs high enough.

Abdominal tension will make breathing faster but don't worry about it.

Stay in this asana for as long as possible, from 20 seconds to a minute.

Then exhale and release the grip on the ankles, extend the legs, let the head and feet fall to the floor and relax.

Benefits of 'Dhanurasana'

In this asana, the spine is stretched backwards. As adults do not do this in their usual movements, their spine becomes stiff. 

This asana restores flexibility to the spine and strengthens the abdominal muscles. 

People with herniated discs can make a significant difference with Dhanurasana and Shalabhasana alone without having surgery.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

20. Makarasana

'Makarasana' commonly known as the crocodile pose is an extremely effective in relaxing your mind.

'Makarasana' is a form of 'Shalabhasana'.

Following are the steps to perform 'Makarasana'

Lie down on the stomach making a pillow of your hands.

Keep your chest close to the floor and stretch your legs.

Raise your legs as high as possible.

Hold the head with both hands.

Benefits of 'Makarasana'

Deep relaxation of shoulders and spine.

Rejuvenate and relaxes mind and body completely.

Breathing becomes slow, deep and efficient.

Tension from body and mind is relieved.

This asana increases body heat so useful in vata dosh.

19. Shalbhasana

Shalabh means grasshopper, so named because the body looks like a grasshopper sitting on the ground in this asana.

Following are the steps to perform 'Shalbhasana'.

Lie straight on the floor with your face towards the floor and stretch your arms behind your back.

Exhale and at the same time lift the head, chest and legs from the floor as much as possible, hands and ribs should not be bent on the floor.

Only the belly part of the body will be on the ground and the body weight will be on the same part.

Contract the glutes and tense the thigh muscles Keep both legs fully stretched and straight.

Keep the thighs, knees and ankles aligned.

Do not take the weight of the body on the arms. 

Let the arms rest completely behind the back to exercise the muscles of the upper back.

Stay in this position for as long as possible, breathing normally.

Lifting the chest and legs off the floor is difficult at first but becomes easier as the abdominal muscles become stronger.

Benefits of 'Shalbhasana'.

This asana helps in digestion.

Gastric problems are reduced.

Vata disease disappears.

The spine becomes flexible as it is stretched.

Pain near waist stops.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

18. Vatayanasan

Vatayana means horse, so it got its name from the resemblance of the seat to the mouth of a horse.

Following are the steps to perform vatayanasan

Sit on the floor and do Ardhapadmasana with the left foot at the base of the right thigh.

Place both hands on the floor by the waist. 

Exhale, Lift the torso off the floor and place the top of the left knee on the floor. 

Place the right foot near the bent left knee and keep the right thigh parallel to the floor.

Pull the abdomen forward Keep the left thigh at a right angle to the floor Raise the arms. 

Straighten the back and balance the body, Do not bend forward while maintaining balance.

Keep the back straight

Bend the elbows and bring the arms to the level of the chest. 

The back of the right penalty near the elbow rests on the front of the left penalty on the top of the elbow joint.

Wrap your arms around each other at the elbows and stay in this position for 30 seconds, breathing normally.

Sit on the floor with hands free and legs extended.

Repeat the same asana on the other side. 

Now place the right foot on the root of the left thigh and place the left foot on the ground with the right knee bent on the floor. 

Wrap the hands around each other in front of the chest.

Let the left hand come to the elbow joint of the right hand. 

Balance the body with the left thigh parallel to the floor Give equal time to both side asanas then come back to the original position and rest on the floor

At first balance will be difficult and the knees will give out but with practice the balance will disappear.

Benefits of vatayanasan

This asana improves blood circulation in the lumbar joints and corrects minor deformities in the waist and thighs.

This yoga is mainly known for its proper blood circulation which is done throughout the body as you opt for this yoga. 

The twists and the stretches are simply a facilitator.

If you are suffering from arthritis, this pose will help in educing the stiffness and pain associated with it.

It has proven to be helpful in cases of inguinal and femoral hernia.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

17. Garudasana

Garuda is considered the vehicle of Vishnu and is described as having a white face, pointed beak, red wings and golden body.

Following are the steps to perform 'Garudasana'

Stand in Tadasana bend the right knee

Bring the left leg over the right knee to the right thigh and rest the back of the left thigh on the front of the right thigh.

Then take the left foot behind the right ankle in such a way that the left shin touches the right ankle and the left toe is tucked slightly above the inside of the right ankle.

Now the right leg will be wrapped around the left leg

It will take some time to learn that all the balance here is to rest on the right foot

Bend the elbows and bring the hands to the level of the chest. Rest the right elbow on the front of the left thigh near the elbow joint. 

Then take the right hand from the front to the right and bring the left hand from behind to the left and join the palms. 

Now the left hand will be wrapped around the right hand.

Hold this position for about 15 to 20 seconds with deep breathing, then relax the arms and legs and come back to Tadasana

Repeat this asana by standing on the left leg and wrapping the right leg around the left leg and the right arm around the left arm.

Benefits of 'Garudasana'

This asana strengthens the ankles and relieves stiffness in the shoulders.

Improves posture. 

Enhances flexibility in the body. 

Strengthen the knee and elbows. 

Stimulates abdominal organ function. 

Increase awareness and mental focus.

Strengthens the core and lengthens the legs.

Monday, February 19, 2024

16. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

Baddha means bound, possessed or held by a pole, Padam means lotus and Uttan means extremely stretched.

Following are the steps to perform 'Ardha baddha padma uttanasana'

Stand tadasana, take two feet back distance from the front edge of the mat, first 2 exhales and calm your mind.

Now slowly lift your right leg up and grab your right ankle to your left hand. 

Maybe you can rotate your right thigh externally, now place your right ankle close to your right pelvic with respect, No rush.

And Bend your left knee a little bit to find the balance. 

Now take your right hand behind the back and try to use the full internal rotation of your shoulder.

Grab your right toes or feet to your right hand, keep your left knee bent.

Now slowly bend forward, press your left fingers or palm against the floor or if you can’t reach down then use brick under your palm.

Inhale, lift your chest up and exhale, suck your belly in, Slightly bring the navel center to align with left thigh and bend forward, let your body go down, Don’t pull your self.

Try another side.

Benefits of 'Ardha baddha padma uttanasana'

This asana eliminates stiffness in the knees, contraction of the abdominal organs increases digestion and slow developmental movement eliminates toxins that produce waste products.

This asana allows the shoulders to be pulled back further, allowing the chest to expand and the breath to be more free and long.

15. urdhva prasarit eka padasana

Urdhva means straight standing, up or high, Spread means stretched. 

This asana is done by standing on one leg, bending forward and lifting the other leg upwards to the maximum height.

Following are the steps to perform the 'urdhva prasarit eka padasana'

Stand in Tadasana

Exhale, and bend the torso forward. 

Hold the back of the right ankle with the left hand, Place the right hand on the floor next to the right foot and rest the head or chin on the knee

Lift the left leg as high as possible in the air and keep both knees firmly tight and left toe pointing upwards.

Keep both legs in stretched. 

Stay in this position for about 20 seconds with balanced breathing. 

Bring the left foot to the floor and come back to Tadasana

Now repeat the same asana on the other side keeping the left foot on the ground and the right foot in the air.

Benefits of 'urdhva prasarit eka padasana'

This asana strengthens the leg muscles and reduces waist fat.

Increased blood flow to the brain to calm the nervous system. 

Stretches hamstrings, calves, groin and lower back. 

Strengthens ankles, knees, and thighs. 

Challenges and promotes balance.

14. Uttanasana

The prefix utt denotes intensity and passion, and the taan means to stretch. In this asana, severe stress is deliberately given to the spine.

Following are the steps to perform 'Uttanasana'

Stand in Tadasana with knees firmly bent.

Exhale, Bend forward and place your toes on the floor Place your palms slightly back on the sides of your feet Do not bend your knees.

Keep your head up and straighten your back.

Stay in this position and take two deep breaths

Exhale, and bring the torso a little closer to the feet.

And bow your head on your knees

Do not let the grip on the knees loosen but pull the kneecaps well up. 

Hold this position with long and balanced breathing.

Inhale, lift the head off the knees but keep the palms flat on the floor

After two breaths take a deep breath lift your hands off the floor and come back to Tadasana.

Benefits of 'Uttanasana'

This asana stops abdominal pain and improves the liver, spleen and kidneys. 

relieves abdominal pain during menstruation, slows the heart rate and rejuvenates the veins in the spinal cord.

Remaining in this asana for two minutes or more removes depression of mind

This asana calms the cells in the brain, thus benefiting people who are easily excitable

After this asana, the body and mind get peace and coolness

The eyes are bright and the mind is at peace

Those who fills heaviness in head, red face or any other problem during shirsasna should do Uttanasana first so that they can perform shirsasna easily.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

13. Padahastasana

Pada means foot and hasta means hand.

This asana is done by bending forward and standing on your hands.

Following are the steps to perform 'Padahastasana '

Stand in Tadasana with feet one foot apart.

Exhale, Bend forward and slide your hands under your feet without bending your knees, keeping your palms and soles together.

Hold the head up and keep the back in maximum arch.

Breathe in this position for some time without loosening the grip on the knees.

Now exhale and bend the elbows and pull the feet up from the palms and bring the head down into the squat and stay in this position breathing as usual for 20 seconds.

Inhale, Lift the head and keep the head well lifted, Breathe twice.

Inhale, rise and stand in Tadasana.

Benefits of  'Padahastasana' 

Abdominal organs are improved by this asana and the production of digestive juices increases. 

The dullness of liver and spleen disappears.

People who suffer from bloating or gastric problems will benefit from this asana.

Spinal nerves are stimulated and toned.

Increases vitality.

Improves the metabolism.

Improves concentration.

Helps with nasal and throat diseases.

Monday, February 12, 2024

12. Padangusthasana

'Padangusthasana',  Pada means foot and Angushta means big toe, this is an asana to be done holding the big toe.

Following are the steps to perform 'Padangusthasana'

First, take a deep breath and stand in tadasana; stand straight with your feet firm and aligned at shoulder level. 

Arms are in a relaxed position on either side. (Position 1) 

Next, breathe out and bend forward and try to touch the right big toe of both legs. 

In this position, your head will be up and try to gaze in front meanwhile touching both toes. 

This will exert a stretch on the chest muscles. (Position 2) 

Keep the legs straight and stiff. 

Next, slowly bring your head in between your knees and hold this position for about 20 seconds and maintain normal breathing. (Position 3) 

Inhale and slowly return to position 2 and then finally come back to tadasana Position 1.

Benefits of 'Padangusthasana'

It stretches the hamstrings and the calves

It strengthens the core

It stretches the back

Strengthens the thighs

It strengthens the back

Stimulates the digestion system


Utkat means powerful, intimidating, or lofty. 

This asana is like sitting on an imaginary chair.

Following are the steps to perform 'Utkatasana'

Stand in Tadasana take hands above your head and join your palms together.

Exhale, Bend the knees and bend the torso so that the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Do not bend forward but keep the chest pulled back as much as possible. 

Let the breathing be normal.

Stay in this position for about 30 seconds. 

Balance is difficult in this asana

Breathe in. Straighten the legs. Lower the arms. 

Come back to Tadasana and relax.

Benefits of  'Utkatasana'

Exercises the spine, hips and chest muscles

Helps strengthen the lower back and torso

Tones the thigh, ankle, leg and knee muscles

Balances the body and brings determination in the mind

Sunday, February 11, 2024

10. Ushtrasana

Ushtra means camel

'Ushtrasana', also known as Camel Pose is a kneeling back-bending asana.

The name comes from the Sanskrit words,  Ustra meaning “camel”, and  Asana meaning “posture” or “seat”.

Following are steps to perform 'Ushtrasana' 

Kneel on the floor, thighs and feet together, toes tucked back and flat on the floor.

Stand on the knees. Keep the thighs fully straight. Keep the knees and feet together.

Lean in the backward direction. Slowly move more backward. Reach the right heel with the right hand, and the left heel with the left hand. 

Avoid straining the body.

Push the hips in the forward direction. The thighs should be kept vertical.

Then bend the head and the spine as backward and as far as possible without straining.

Relax the body and the muscles of the back.

Support the body weight equally on the legs and arms.

Keep the arms in such a way that they anchor the shoulders to maintain the back arch. 

Stay in the same position for as long as you find it comfortable.

Then release the hands from the heels one by one and return to the starting position.

Benefits of 'Ushtrasana' 

Helpful in getting rid of all kinds of back pain.

Stimulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Makes the neck, back, chest and abdominal regions flexible.

Stretches pelvic region thus helpful in getting rid of menstrual discomforts.

Improves digestion and reduces excess fat deposited on the stomach, neck and back.

Activates the brain cells and makes it function better by improving the blood circulation.

Beneficial for curing the diseases related to the respiratory system such as Bronchitis and Asthma.

This asana is beneficial for people with slumped shoulders and a hunched back. 

The entire back is stretched and strengthened.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

9. Parighasana


Parigha means a doorpost, so it is named because the body looks like a doorpost in this asana.

Following are the steps to perform 'Parighasana'

 Kneel on the floor with ankles together

 Extend the right leg to the right side and keep it in line with the torso and the left knee. Turn the right     foot to the right.

 Inhale and stretch your arms out, inhale twice

 Exhale, turn the torso and the right arm towards the extended right leg. Place the right hand next to         the elbow and the right wrist on the shin and ankle of the right leg respectively. let the right palm be       bent upwards. Now the right ear will rest on the right thigh. take the left hand over the head and             match the left palm with the right palm.

 Breathe normally in this position for 30 to 60 seconds

 Inhale, bring the torso and arms to the position of number 3. Bend the right leg and keep the knees on     the floor with the ankles reattached.

 Repeat all the asanas doing the right side action on the left side.

 Let the asana time be the same on both sides.

Benefits of 'Parighasana'

This asana tightens the abdominal area 

One side of the abdomen is stretched and the other side is flexed so that the muscles and organs of the abdomen remain in good shape  

The skin on the abdomen remains firm without sagging Movement of the spine towards the pelvis is helpful for people suffering from stiff back.

Stretches the calves, hamstrings, spine.

Opens the side body, chest and shoulders.

Stimulates the lungs and the abdominal organs.

Great for your balance.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

8. Prasarita Padottanasana

Prasarita means extended, spread out or stretched forward. Prasarita Padottanasana are of two types 

Following are the steps to perform 'Prasarita Padottanasana'

'Prasarita Padottanasana 1'

1 Stand in Tadasana.

2 Inhale, Place hands on waist and stand with 4 feet apart.

3 Stretch the legs by pulling the knees up Exhale and place both palms on the floor between the feet and in line with the shoulders.

4 Inhale, and lift your head with your back arched.

5 Exhale, Bend the elbows and lower the scalp to the floor. 

  Take the weight of the body on the feet. Do not allow the weight of the body to go to the head.

  Both feet, both palms and head should be in one line.

6 Stay in this position for half a minute taking long and balanced breaths.

7 Inhale, lift the head off the floor and straighten the bent elbows arching the back and holding the head up as high as possible.

8 Exhale, Stand in position number 2.

9 Jump into Tadasana.

'Prasadhar Padotanasam 2' is the next step.

 In this asana, the palms are placed on the waist instead of the floor, or as mentioned in Parsvatanasam,   they are arranged in a back salutation.

 This action increases the stress on the legs.

 Benefits of  'Prasarita Padottanasana'

 This asana fully develops the veins behind the knees and the muscles that lift the limbs at the same   time that blood flow to the torso and head is increased. 

 Asana helps in weight loss

 Stretches the back and inside of the legs.

 Opens the hips.

 Stretches the spine, shoulders and chest.

 Calms the mind.

 Eases tension in the upper back.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

7. Parsvottanasana

'Parsvottanasana' as its name indicates, involves an intense lateral stretch. 

With a unique combination of balance and surrender, this posture is ideal to calm the mind. 

It also brings about great benefits for the abdominal organs, and aids in digestion.

Following are the steps to perform 'Parsvottanasana'

Stand erect and tall in Mountain Pose (Tadasana).

Bring the left foot two to three feet behind the right one, and move into the pyramid stance.

Place your hands behind your back in reverse prayer position.

Keeping your hips square to the front, exhale; hinging from the hips, bend forward over the right leg.

As you breathe in, lengthen your spine, and as you breathe out, bring your torso towards the thigh.

Relax and hold this position for three to five long breaths.

Gently release the posture, and come back to Tadasana. 

Repeat with the other leg.

 Benefits of 'Parsvottanasana'

Helps stretch the hips, legs, and hamstrings.

Improves body posture, and balances the body and mind.

Massages the abdominal organs, and improves digestion.

Calms the mind.

39. Shnmukhi mudra

Shna means six and mukha means mouth. In this mudra, one tries to look into oneself due to the habit of one's own existence, so it got i...