Wednesday, January 24, 2024

3. Trikonasana

'Trikonasana', or triangle pose.

The name Trikonasana has been derived from three Sanskrit words— 'Tri', 'Kona', and 'Asana'. 

Tri means three, Kona means angle, and asana is a yoga position.

 Following are the steps to perform Trikonasana

 Stand straight in the Tadasana position and spread your legs wide apart.

 Place your right foot at 90 degrees and your left foot at 45 degrees with your arms wide apart. 

 Make sure that the weight distribution on both your legs is equal.

 Bend your body to the right side downwards and the left hand upwards. Breathing is important. 

 Make sure that you inhale and exhale while going down.

 Maintain the exact posture with your eyes towards the ceiling.

 Rest your right hand on your toes or ankle with your left hand upwards towards the ceiling.

 Maintain this position for around 25 seconds and relax your body.

 In order to return to the original position, come up while inhaling and bring your arms downwards to   the other side.


Type of Trikonasana

1)Parivrtta Trikonasana

This is a revolved triangle pose. In this, the right-hand reaches the left foot, and the trunk is rotated with strength.

2)Utthita Parsvakonasana

First, stand in tadasana.

Take a deep breath, and with a jump, spread your legs a few feet apart. 

Now breathe out and stretch your left leg sideways at ninety-degree to the right leg.

Your left leg will be bent at the knee and the left shoulder will be near the left knee in this posture.

Place the left palm on the floor behind the left knee. 

Next, raise your right arm sideways; the right arm and right leg will now be in a straight line. 

Remain in this position for about thirty seconds to a minute. Breathe deeply and slowly come back to tadasana.

Benefits of the Trikonasana

Muscles around the ankle, knee and hip get stretched when you do Trikonasana.

It boosts the metabolism of the body and helps in digestion as well.

Fat around the thighs and tummy area is reduced.

Stretching lets the muscles in the chest and the back region open up.

It calms the mind and energises the body.

Trikonasana is good for kidney functioning as well.

Hamstring flexibility is improved, and groin muscles become stronger.

It stimulates the nervous system and reduces nerve depression.

1 comment:

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