Monday, March 4, 2024

24. Nakrasana

Nakra means crocodile so named because this asana involves the many changing positions of a crocodile catching its prey.

Following are the steps to perform 'Nakrasana'

Sleep on your back with your face to the floor.

Bend the elbows and place the palms on the sides of the waist.

Keep a distance of one foot between the two steps. 

Exhale and lift the whole body a few inches off the floor keeping the palms and toes in focus. 

Keep the body straight like a baton and the knees bent Keep the body parallel to the floor.

Inhale and exhale for some time and simultaneously lift the hands and feet from the ground and lean the whole body forward one foot.

Jump forward four to five times, keeping the body parallel to the ground after each jump.

Now reverse the movement and, exhaling, jump back one foot at a time and come to the original position.

Lower your torso to the floor and relax.

Benefits of  'Nakrasana'

This asana strengthens the wrists and removes brain fatigue.

The whole body gets a new life and the body starts to feel energetic.

Considering that the movement in this asana puts a lot of pressure on the wrists. 

This asana should be done slowly and step by step, otherwise the wrists may hurts.

Reduce stress and anxiety, regulates blood pressure.

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