Sunday, March 10, 2024

26. Udharvmukh shwanasana

Udhrvamukha means upturned face and shwan means dog.  A dog stretches its limbs and raises its head, which is the posture as seen, hence the name.

Following are the steps to perform 'Udharvmukh shwanasana'

Lie face down on the floor.

Keep a distance of two feet between the steps, Keep the toes pointed straight back, Palms on the floor next to the waist, Fingers pointed towards the head.

Breathe, Lift the head and torso, Extend the arms fully, Try to push the head and torso back as far as possible without bending the knees to the floor.

Keep the legs straight and keep the knees tight, but do not bend the knees to the floor.

Fully stretch the spine, thighs and abdominals and maximally contract the hips. 

Bring the chest forward Fully extend the neck and maximally retract the back of the pelvis.

Stay in this position for half to a minute while taking deep breaths. 

Bend the corners to loosen the tension and rest on the floor.

Benefits of  'Udharvmukh shwanasana'

This asana rejuvenates the spine.

And it is especially beneficial for people suffering from back stiffness, People suffering from back pain, sciatica and herniated discs are benefited by this asana. 

This asana strengthens the spine and cures back pain Chest bloated lungs become flexible. 

Improves blood circulation in the abdominal area And that part remains intact.

1 comment:

39. Shnmukhi mudra

Shna means six and mukha means mouth. In this mudra, one tries to look into oneself due to the habit of one's own existence, so it got i...